No 8. līdz 10. augustam Kauņā notika XXIX Ziemeļvalstu Hidroloģijas konference Nordic Water 2016, kur Hidrobioloģijas laboratorijas jaunā pētniece Jolanta Jēkabsone ieguva balvu par labāko studenta stenda ziņojumu.  Jolantas stenda referāta tēma “Variablity of river habitat survey feature scores in Latvia and its relation to two  biological quality element groups”; līdzautori: Gunta Spriņģe,   Agrita Briede, Laura Grīnberga, Elga Parele, Dāvis Ozoliņš un Agnija Skuja.

Apsveicam Jolantu ar panākumiem konferencē!

Konferences mājaslapa: 


No kreisās: Jolanta Jēkabsone, Linda Uzule un ĢZZF pētnieki Jānis Bikše un Inga Retiķe.


Researcher Jolanta Jekabsone wins the prize for the best student poster in conference “Nordic Water 2016” held in Kaunas, Lithuania from August 8 to 10. In this conference, Jolanta presented the poster on topic “Variablity of river habitat survey feature scores in Latvia and its relation to two  biological quality element groups”; co-authors: Gunta Spriņģe,   Agrita Briede, Laura Grīnberga, Elga Parele, Dāvis Ozoliņš un Agnija Skuja.

Congratulations to Jolanta!

Web-page of the conference: 

Web-page of the Nordic Association of Hydrology: 

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